To be a forerunner and significant global player in the areas of Marine, Oil & Gas industry inspection services. To continually provide quality and excel in every service rendered, to each client’s satisfaction.
Time of flight Diffraction Ultrasonic Testing (T.O.F.D)
TOFD technique is a real time imaging system that produces a cross sectional view (D-Scan) of the material tested. Two compression wave angled probes were placed in a pitch and catch configuration with a fixed Probe Center Separation (PCS), with one probe as the transmitter and the other as receiver. Defects are detected by the diffracted ultrasound wave occurring at the edges of defects.
Technique capability:
- Ferrous & non ferrous materials can be inspected.
- Precise defect sizing.
- High probability of defect detection.
- High speed weld inspection.
- High speed cladding surface corrosion screening.